
Monday 17 January 2011

He listened!

Well done to Lee Kwon Soo has listened to his teachers and has updated his blog with his History Presentation and some other good work.  Have a look at his blog HERE!

The only problem with his blog, is that everytime i click on it and see that giant Hamburger, it makes me hungry.  How long is there until lunch...?

Jung Ji Rocks?

So i had a look at Oh Chae Lin's blog, and saw that she posted her speech about korea, which i thought was a very interesting read. You can read it, here.

I learnt a lot about Korea, but from looking at her blog, i've also learnt that she loves Jung Gi....A LOT!  I don't even know who this guy is, but i will do a bit of research and find out!  You see guys, you really do learn something new everyday!

Class 25!!!

I'm afraid Mr. Garrioch is right, guys.  Your class needs to put in a lot more effort and start blogging some more!  Some of you have only done 3 or 4 posts this whole time.  I'm not going ot name any names, but...oh wait, yes i am!  For example Kim Jun Seok!

And not to mention some of you are simply posting viral videos, but not writing about them.  Remember, this is a writing class, not a funny video class!  Isn't that right, Kim Se Hyun!

Some of you are doing a good job, though.  Sophia has posted a huge description of her viral video, HERE!  It's just a shame that she is talking about Justin Beiber!!  Another blog i'm liking is Shin Hae Kyoung's, right HERE!  She hasn't posted a diamante poem as of yet, but it's still a good looking blog with some good work!

Ok Class 25, Mr. Garrioch and I will be watching so be sure to get updated!

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Class 21

I worked with Class 21 during periods 7 & 8 today, and a lot of viral videos and descriptions were posted.  A good job to everyone that managed to post.  I know a couple of you had some technical issues, so if you didn't manage to post a viral DON'T WORRY, as Nuts has probably posted enough virals for everybody at GLPS right HERE!!!

So, for the two people that had technical issues, try and get back online and post a viral video with full descriptions.  Mr. Garrioch and myself will be checking!

Monday 10 January 2011

One of my favourite Viral Videos...

So this is one of my favourite viral videos on the all time favourite isn't really suitable for this i have put this one up instead.  It has been seen over 150 million times.  Can you guess why?

Viral Video

This is just an example of a viral video that you could add to your blogs.  It's not necessarily my favourite, but i certainly like it a lot and it was in my head after teaching an Intensive class this week.  What do you think of it?